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Changing a 3D Drawing Figure Body Shape

3D drawing figures can have their body shape changed. Since you can change by part, you can change the ratio of length of the head to total height for a character, for example.

1Select the tool

On the Tool palette, select the [Operation] tool.


2Select the sub tool

Open the Sub Tool palette and select [Object].

3Select the 3D material

Click the 3D drawing figure whose body shape you want to change.


4Choose the head-to-body ratio and body shape

Using the Tool Property palette, change the body shape.


(1)  Click the “+” on [Change body shape].


(2)  Drag the slider for [Height]. You can adjust the character’s height.


·If you turn on [Adjust head to body ratio with height], the head-to-body ratio of the 3D drawing figure will change automatically when you adjust the height.

·If using PRO/EX, you can click [Adjust body shape and size of 3D drawing figure in detail] on the Object Launcher to use the Sub Tool Detail palette and adjust the body shape.


(3)  Drag the 2D slider to adjust the body shape.


Drag the slider up to make male drawing figures more muscular and female drawing models more curvaceous.

Drag the slider right to make drawing figures fatter and drag the slider left to make drawing models thinner.

5Adjust body shape

Using the Tool Property palette, adjust the body shape in detail.


(1)  Select a part In this example, we select the head.

(2)  Drag the 2D slider. You can adjust the width and length of the selected part.


·If the option to select parts is not shown on the Tool Property palette, you can click the part names shown above the 2D slider to display it.

·With the 3D drawing figure Ver. 2, you can adjust the shoulder width and waist. You cannot adjust these on the original drawing figure.

·For details on the Tool Property palette, see the “Clip Studio Paint Tool Setting Guide”> Settings List > Body shape.



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