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Searching from the search box

Input a keyword to search for a material registered in the currently open [Material] palette.


To clear the search conditions, use [Show all the materials in the folder] inside the [Material list].

How to use keywords

·Input a material name or tag name for keyword.

·Words partially matching the keyword can also be searched.

·Words including spaces can be searched by enclosing them between double quotation marks (").

·Search is not sensitive to hiragana and katakana.

Specifying multiple keywords

Specifying multiple keywords using a space as separator will allow you to narrow down the search results.

For example, assuming that there are two materials having "smile" in its name, and that

the [Tag] of one of them contains "male" and that of the other contains "female",

inputting "smile" displays both materials in the results. Inputting "smile female" displays only the material with "smile" in its [Material name], and "female" in its [Tag] in the results.



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