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Functions of the View Settings Palette

This section describes the functions and names of each part of the [View Settings] palette.


Set how to show grids.

(1)   Style

Set how to show grids.

Cube and one plane

Displays a grid on one plane. This cannot be set in the material setup screen.

Cube and three planes

Displays a grid on three planes. This cannot be set in the material setup screen.


Displays a grid on only one plane. The grid is not displayed.


No grid is displayed.


In the quad screen view, the [Style] setting is applied only to the perspective view.

(2)   Grid size

Set the size of each square in the grid.

(3)   Grid number

Set the number of squares in the grid. Input the number of squares to be created in each row of a plane.

(4)   Absorption range

Use the [Move] tool to set the area to be absorbed by the grid when the mesh or an element is moved. The area of the mesh or elements indicated by [Absorption range] is absorbed by each square.


In the Edit 3D Shape screen, these are absorbed by the grid during movement when [Grid snap] is turned on in the [Tool Property] palette of the [Move] tool.


Set how to show meshes and 3D models.


Enables lighting. This cannot be set in the Edit 3D Shape screen.

Show texture

Enables textures. This cannot be set in the Edit 3D Shape screen.

No back-face culling

Displays/hides the back faces of a surface.

Curved surface

Displays/hides curved surfaces.

C.Drawing effects

Set drawing effects for 3D models in the material setup screen. This cannot be set in the Edit 3D Shape screen.


Displays 3D models only as wires.

Show outline

Displays the outlines of 3D models.

Show shadow

Displays the shadows of 3D models.


Set the shading method for 3D models in the material setup screen. This cannot be set in the Edit 3D Shape screen.

Select from [Flat shading], [Gouraud shading], [Phong shading] and [Toon shading].



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