
On iPad and Android tablets, the default interface of Clip Studio Paint looks like this:


(1)Command Bar

The command bar contains shortcut icons for saving and other operations.

(2)Tool palette

The Tool palette contains all tool groups, from drawing tools to selection and text tools.

(3)Quick Access palette

Tap to open the Quick Access palette, which contains a list of frequent operations.You can add or remove commands, tools, and colors for easy access.

(4)Sub Tool palette

The Sub Tool palette lists specific sub tools within the selected too group.

(5)Tool Property palette

Shows settings for the selected sub tool.

(6)Brush Size palette

Quick shortcuts for changing the brush size.

(7)Color Wheel palette

Shows the Color Wheel palette.You can tap or drag within the Color Wheel to select a drawing color.

(8)Color Mixing palette

Shows the Color Mixing palette, where you can test and blend colors together.

(9)Color set palette

Tap to open the Color Set palette.In addition to being able to select a color from a list of standard colors, you can register and manage frequently used colors as Color Sets.

(10)Color History palette

Tap to open the Color History palette.This displays a history of previously used drawing colors.Tapping a color tile will select the corresponding drawing color.

(11)Layer Property palette

Shows properties of the selected layer.

(12)Layer palette

Shows the layer arrangement of the current canvas.You can add and manage layers here.

(13)Material palettes

These tabs take you to different folders in the Material palette, where you can organize materials and assets to use.

You can drag palettes around to customize your workspace.You can choose which palettes appear in the workspace by checking or unchecking them in the Window menu.


For more information on customizing the workspace, see here: "Interface".