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Intermediate color Palette [PRO/EX]

The [Intermediate Color] palette is displayed when [Window] menu > [Intermediate Color] is selected.

The [Intermediate Color] palette allows you to select an intermediate color with respect to reference colors configured in the four corners.


Selecting a Color from the Intermediate Color Palette

To select a color from the [Intermediate Color] palette, proceed as follows.

1Configure the reference colors

Configure the reference colors to the tiles located at the four corners of the [Intermediate Color] palette.


(1)  select drawing colors to set as reference colors from other color palettes.

(2)  Click the tile at a corner of the [Intermediate Color] palette. The drawing color is reflected in the tile and becomes a reference color.

2Select the color

Select a color from the [Intermediate Color] palette.

Between the tiles at the corners, there are a series of tiles of gradually changing colors. The clicked color is selected as the drawing color.



The RGB value of the drawing color is displayed numerically in the lower part of the palette. Clicking the RGB value changes the indication to HSV value.


Intermediate color Palette Menu

The following describes the functions included in the menu that is displayed when you click [Palette menu] on the upper left corner of the [Intermediate Color] palette.

Fix number of steps (Division into 10/20/30 parts)

Specifies the color tile view by the number of tiles per row. You can select the number of tiles comprising the view from [division into 10 parts], [division into 20 parts] and [division into 30 parts]. If the palette width is changed, the tile size changes in conjunction with the palette width.

Fix width of tile (7pt/10pt/15pt)

Specifies the color tile view by the width of each tile. You can select a size from [7pt], [10pt] and [15pt]. If the palette width is changed, the number of tiles per row changes in conjunction with the palette width.

Show grid

When turned on, a border is displayed around each color tile.

Hide intermediate color palette

Hides the [Intermediate Color] palette.



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