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View Menu

This is used to adjust settings such as [How to show] in the [Document] window.


Undo point of view

Undoes changes to the viewing angle or viewing position made with the [Magnifier] or [Camera] sub tool.


Redo point of view

Redoes changes to the viewing angle or viewing position that were undone from the [View] menu → [Undo point of view].


View entire object

Adjusts the view so that all of the mesh fits in the [Document] window at the current viewing angle.


Return to initial viewing angle

Restores the initial viewing angle and viewing position.


Make selected area center of display rotation

Makes the center of the selected mesh or area the center of rotation when performing camera orientation operations.


·If multiple mesh items are selected, the center point between the selected mesh items is the center of rotation.

·Camera orientation operations can be performed using the [Camera orientation] sub tool.



Turn this on to display 3D models only as wires.


This item is not displayed in the 3D shape editing screen.



Turn this on to display the outlines of 3D models.



Turn this on to display the shadows of 3D models.



Turn this on to apply light source settings to 3D models.



Turn this on to display the textures of 3D models.



Turns culling on or off. Select from [Culling (Frontface)], [Culling (Backface)] and [No culling].



Turn this on to display the bones of 3D models.


Physics object

Turn this on to display physics objects for 3D characters.


This item is not displayed in the 3D Object Setup screen or 3D shape editing screen.



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