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Drawing by Snapping to a Ruler

This section describes how to configure the snap range of a ruler and draw by snapping to the ruler.

1You can adjust which layers snap to rulers.


If you want to snap to a special ruler that appears green, you will first need to make the ruler snappable. For details on how to make a special ruler snappable, see "Making Special Rulers Snappable".


(1)  On the Layer palette, select the layer with the ruler you want to set the snap range for.

(2)  Set the snap range in [Set showing area of ruler] on the Layer palette.

Show in All Layers

The ruler will be snapped to on all raster and vector layers.

Show in Same Folder

The ruler will be snapped to on all raster layers and vector layers in the same folder. If there is no layer folder, it behaves the same as [Show in All Layers].

Show Only When Editing Target

The ruler will only be snapped to on the current layer.

2Select a layer from the Layer palette to draw on.


3When you draw on the canvas, the drawing will snap to the ruler.




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